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We are posting this notice to inform you of a potential privacy issue involving Comprehensive Labs, LLC.




On May 31, 2022, it was discovered that an individual contracted with a business associate of Comprehensive Labs may have submitted false or incorrect personal information to us. The information involved a combination of elements, including a person’s name, address, date of birth, email address, and/or phone number. We have investigated the individual’s conduct and have determined that the information involved did not come from either Comprehensive Labs’ retained information. However, due to this fact, we are unable to determine how the individual in question potentially acquired the personal information in question.

Once we discovered the privacy issue and began our investigation, our business associate terminated the individual’s contract and ensured that they would have no access to its or Comprehensive Labs’ systems. Because these activities may implicate theft or other criminal activity, the individual will be reported to relevant local authorities.




We value your privacy and sincerely regret that this incident occurred. In response, we are conducting a further in-depth enterprise-wide review of the potentially affected records and will notify you if there are any significant developments. Comprehensive Labs also is reviewing our and our business associates’ HIPAA privacy and security policies and procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with HIPAA’s requirements. This includes ensuring that all background and exclusions practices are within robust industry practices. Comprehensive Labs will implement additional security measures or training intended to protect the privacy of our customers and other individuals if appropriate.

In addition, if you are one of the individuals whose information was compromised in this incident we will make available to you, upon your request, one year of free credit monitoring and reporting services, beginning on July 29, 2022. If you wish to determine whether your information was compromised and take advantage of these services, please contact us at 1 (800) 704-0618 or privacy@comprehensive-labs.com.




To protect yourself from the possibility of identity theft, we recommend that you immediately place a fraud alert on your credit files. A fraud alert conveys a special message to anyone requesting your credit report that you suspect you were a victim of fraud. When you or someone else attempts to open a credit account in your name, the lender should take measures to verify that you have authorized the request. A fraud alert should not stop you from using your existing credit cards or other accounts, but it may slow down your ability to get new credit. An initial fraud alert is valid for ninety (90) days. To place a fraud alert on your credit reports, contact one of the three major credit reporting agencies at the appropriate number listed below or via their website. One agency will notify the other two on your behalf. You will then receive letters from the agencies with instructions on how to obtain a free copy of your credit report from each.

When you receive a credit report from each agency, review the reports carefully. Look for accounts you did not open, inquiries from creditors that you did not initiate, and confirm that your personal information, such as home address and Social Security number, is accurate. If you see anything you do not understand or recognize, call the credit reporting agency at the telephone number on the report. You should also call your local police department and file a report of identity theft. Get and keep a copy of the police report because you may need to give copies to creditors to clear up your records or to access transaction records.

Even if you do not find signs of fraud on your credit reports, we recommend that you remain vigilant in reviewing your credit reports from the three major credit reporting agencies. You may obtain a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com, calling toll-free 877-322-8228, or by completing an Annual Credit Request Form at:
www.ftc.gov/bcp/menus/consumer/credit/rights.shtm and mailing to:

Annual Credit Report Request Service,

P.O. Box 1025281

Atlanta, GA 30348-5283

For more information on identity theft, you can visit the following websites:

We understand that this incident may pose an inconvenience to you and regret that the incident has occurred. Comprehensive Labs is committed to protecting your personal information, and we want to assure you that we have policies and procedures to protect your privacy.



For further information and assistance, or if you want to take advantage of the free credit monitoring service, please contact our privacy department at 1 (800) 704-0618 or privacy@comprehensive-labs.com.




The Comprehensive Labs Privacy Department

